
Short Vowel "A"
Teaches the four basic word "families" for short vowel "a":
"at" -- at, cat, hat, mat, rat, sat
"an" -- can, man, ran
"ad" -- had, dad, sad
"am" -- am, Sam, ram
# of pages: 61 pages
Time to print: Approx 9-10 minutes
And all 100% FREE!

Short Vowel "E"
Teaches the five basic word "families" for short vowel "e":
"en" -- ten, men, hen
"ed" -- bed, red
"eg" -- leg
"et" -- get, let, vet, wet
"es" -- yes
Also teaches "tricks" to remember letters 'b' versus 'd' versus 'g'
# of pages: 86 pages
Time to print: Approx 12 -- 13 minutes

Short Vowel "I"
Teaches the eight basic word "families"for short vowel "i":
"in" -- in, win
"id" -- kid, hid, did
"it" -- it, bit, fit, sit
"if" -- if
"ix" -- fix, mix, six
"im" -- him
"ig" -- big, pig, wig
"ip" -- tip, sip, zip
# of pages: 98 pages
Time to print: Approx 16 - 18 minutes

Short Vowel "O"
Teaches the seven basic word "families"for short vowel "0":
"on" -- on
"ot" -- lot, not, got, hot, pot
"op" -- pop, top, mop, hop
"og" -- dog
"ob" -- job
"ox" -- ox, fox, box
# of pages: 83 pages
Time to print: Approx 16 - 18 minutes
Short Vowel "U"
Teaches the eight basic word "families"for short vowel "U":
"up" -- up, cup
"us" -- us, bus
"un" -- fun, run, sun
"ut" -- but, cut. nut
"ub" -- tub
"um" -- gum, yum
"ud" -- mud
"ug" -- bug. hug. jug. rug
# of pages: 69 pages
Time to print: Approx 12 - 13 minutes
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